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Saturday, December 20, 2008



Two titles which I am recommending for your viewing pleasure this Christmas season ( when you are having a respite from serious mall shopping ) are QUO VADIS and BEN HUR.

Their story lines may not be the same but both movies were honored by critics and movie goers alike during their roadshow presentations. Clergymen from various denominations also praised both movies for portraying Jesus and His teachings in a very dignified manner.

QUO VADIS was said to have been uttered by St. Peter when he saw the image of Jesus Christ during the early, difficult days of Christianity. It means "Where are you going?"
And Jesus answered: " I am going to Rome to be crucified for the second time.." Peter planned to leave Rome because of the ongoing persecutions against the Christians.

Peter, seemed to have failed Jesus for the second time. The first time happened when he denied Christ three times while charges were being arraigned against Him by the Jewish priests.

After hearing what Jesus told him, Peter wept and he went back to Rome to face his martyrdom which is being crucified to a cross upside down.

This scene is one of the several highlights of this 1951 epic. One would also witness a realistic portrayal of the burning of Rome ordered by the vile anti Christ, Emperor Nero. He wanted to build a new Rome by setting fire to the old one. And while the city burned, he was composing a song while playing a musical instrument.

Other scenes included the torture of Christians who were blamed for the conflagration. Then one would see the early martyrs meeting death in the arena by being burned alive or being fed to hungry lions. This spectacular movie has also an intelligent script, lively dialogue, gorgeous costumes and eye popping sets. And a cast of thousands. Live people, not just computer generated images.

Robert Taylor played the Legion commander who found Christianity through the love of a beautiful Christian girl played ably by Deborah Kerr. Other stars include Peter Ustinov who appeared in so many epic movies ( e.g. SPARTACUS, THE EGYPTIAN, etc ). His portrayal of Nero, history's noted Anti Christ, no match in fim history.

Jesus was shown in a few scenes, but his teachings of love permeated the length and breadth of this long movie.

BEN HUR took place almost in the same era, the same locale which is decadent Rome. This time, Charlton Heston played a Jewish prince who lived in Judea. STEPHEN BOYD played Mesala who was once his childhood friend, but who became his prime antagonist. Mesala grew up in Rome to become an arrogant commander ( just like Robert Taylor's character in QUO VADIS. )Due to political differences Mesala locked horns with Ben Hur during the first 15 minutes of the movie.Thus, Ben Hur was condemned to a Roman ship galley, his mother and sister sent to prison and his property confiscated.

Then Ben Bur's fortunes turned about when as a slave in the ship he saved the life of a Roman General who has just lost a son. The Roman navy at that time were fighting the Phoenician pirates who harassed the Roman trading ships.

Ergo, the general adopted Ben Hur as an heir to his name and property. Then Ben Hur went back to Judea to face again his nemesis, Mesala and to look for his mother and sister. His personal issue with Mesala was resolved in that famous chariot race.

Jesus appeared in BEN HUR as an infant, then as a carpenter and at the end, as the Crucified Redeemer of all humanity.

Both movies are based on literary masterpieces. No expense was spared to achieve the visual feast ( sets and costunmes ). Brilliant directors - William Wyler for BEN HUR and MERVYN LEROY for QUO VADIS these timeless film masterpieces.

Christianity and the love of Jesus for humanity is the all encompassing theme for both movies.

Only a few religious movies can be educational entertaining at the same time spiritually uplifting--#

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