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Thursday, December 18, 2008


From: Rudy

Whatever religion people chooses is okay as long as this religion preaches goodness I don't have a problem with that. If this religion preaches to eliminate the others who don't believe in them then it's another story...Bert those five questions were very nice and I agree with all the answers offered. They're very thorough...Let me offer another take on those questions. Let me answer them with my simple mind or simply answer them in a simple human's point of view (MY OWN) without qouting any written literatures...ORIGIN-Where did we came from?...We originated from the LOVE that brought our parent's together. We are that little seed in their heart that yearns to see the sun.....IDENTITY-Who are we?...We are what our parents,friends and the society we are living in molded us to be. We became the sum total of every little traits we picked up along the way as we are growing up and we continue to change a little here and there as our invironment changes. But there is one thing that almost certainly doesn't change and that is our core values affected by our beliefs,religion,education and morals.....MEANING-Why are we here?...We are here to insure the sustainance of humanity. Our meaning or legacy will be judged by the quality of the next generation that we raised.....MORALITY-How do we live?...It's the sum total of the three above topics. We live according to the way we were brought up plus the way we became plus what we want our legacy would be.....DESTINY-Where are we going?...When everything is said and done,when our part in the circle of life is finished, only one thing is certain and that is death. I wouldn't say there is life after death or there is reincarnation or evolution for that matter. That's all depend on our belief and faith. But after death what remains here is the legacy we left behind. Will friends, our children and relatives or other people will talk about us in positive terms?...I don't know my friends I don't know...If that LEGACY matters to you, it's not too late to work it out!!!MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!


From: VIC..

if I have to select between the word of God and the word of man, of course I will select the first..After all, most of man's theories are still undergoing changes, from the time of Copernicus when it was believed that the sun was revolving around the earth and the world is flat and ships could fall into the edges..!...

Kudos to Bert's postings, he nails every each quotation on the head with relation to the topic on what..Yes, Icarus I have already compiled the postings from the AMB into a Word document ready to be transfered into the AJ, maybe by parts: pt. 1, 2, 3, etc. It seems as if more good postings are on the way...Because in the AMB the bottom postings get booted out as soon as new ones come in. In the AJ ( where the mainframe is stored somewhere else, then it stays there forever, ready to be accessed with the click of a mouse )..This Board could discuss two or three threads at the same time, we can introduce a new one anytime, and let us see how things go..Pakiramdaman lang yan..But everyone has an expertise on certain subjects..We can share our knowledge with other readers of this Board and it will fulfill the good intentions of Information Technology..By the way, Bert, Rain mentioned she was very much impressed by the goodness of your family.."Whatever you do to the least of your brethen.."..At that time, she was about to undergo her ordeal of fire..Two months later, God pulled her out of her crucible and brought her back to where she belongs. Some lives really show God in action, especially to those who pray hard and rely on God on their darkest moments..Many kind hearted Asinganians, ( and a few non-Asinganians ) helped her out..I know I seem to be repeating the same story over and over and she wants to keep her privacy too, but this will be the last time I will mention that episode in her life.
.Just want to hammer the point that with God nothing is impossible, but we have to do our own legwork in walking towards the light! You did just that, you never gave up..I examine my own life and wooo! I am not as brave as I expected myself to be!!..Bye all!


From: Bugsy

Yes, politics and religion are topics that has no end. Sometimes they come up like a thief in the night but its a good exercise for your reasoning power. We should do this once in a while. Clashing views based on ones perspective tend to add drama to any one's deep seated point of view, faith and beliefs. As when someone questions the path you're taking you tend to stop and re-evaluate your approach and may asked yourself

"Was he right and I am wrong?" Many of course resists to accept that they are wrong, no one wants to be proved wrong, It HURTS!, but given all the facts and evidences one must respond with self examination and weigh the circumstances once more. These traits are possesed by a man who is open minded, without any tunnel vision. ...

To be HUMBLE in life is hard to do as man always strive to become great and rich and healthy. above others. That makes us HAPPY isn't it? When we excel above the rest? You drive a spanking shiny Merc while your nieghbour drive a battered VW? We do not want to be outdone so we try to keep up with the Jones's most times even we cannot afford? So too, When we are presented with predicaments in life, we ask questions "WHY ME/US?" As if not good for me but its acceptable if it happens to John. I must accept I am not the most luckiest man on earth but I learned to live with it. To partake and share my emotions and experiences so others might be more prepared to met such testing moments when it happens the same to them. Doing such, I believe the least service I can do to my fellow men. >>>>>>


From: icarus

Hey, Archie! See what your little physics puzzle has done?. It all started with your question on a "substance that’s falling but doesn’t fall anyway" which Bugsy related to gravity and seconded by Mng Vic with a "there-must-be-God-controlling-all-these-things" kind of explanation. Archie and myself threw in our 5cents worth. Bugsy, as usual, brought up unsettling questions which feed the fire some more. And then it became a very enlightening forum for "could science and religion co-exist?" It is a very interesting though quite controversial and disturbing topic which lured out even AMB writers who are long in hibernation. Bert in particular is a guiding light in providing the proper perspective by which to view our hi-tech lifestyle within the framework of God’s Grand Design. From there, more posters responded. Rain and annie with their classic one-liners. Ms Arsenia with her own profound views. By that time, I have to content myself with reading the posts like Alakdan and Norbet because, as we admit, things of the bible and religion were not among our strong points. But thanks to you, AMBer’s for the enlightenment. It was a very worthwhile exchange, i must say. Maybe Mng Vic could compile all of these into a single article so that it could be preserved in the Asinganian Journal. This will also be my last post on the topic so it could finally be given rest.


From: Bert

ORIGIN (Colossians 1:16), IDENTITY(John 1:12), MEANING(Revelations 4:11), MORALITY (2Corinthians 5:17), DESTINY (John 11:25-26)..-----The answer to each of these questions depend on what we believe in God. If God exist, then there's ultimate meaning and purpose in our life. If there's a real purpose in to our life, then there's a right way to live it. Choices that we make now not only affect us here but will affect us eternity, In the other hand, if there's no God then, our life ultimately means nothing. Since there is no enduring purpose to life, there's no right or wrong way to live. And it doesn't matter how we live or what we believe-our destiny is dust.

..Don't all roads lead to Heaven? Aren't all religions basically the same? The truth is all religions do not lead to Heaven just as all roads do not lead to Philippines. There are a lot of voices vying for our attention, so why should anyone consider Jesus above, for example, Muhammad, Confucius, Buddha, etc. Jesus alone speaks with the authority of God because Jesus alone conquered death. Muhammad, Confucius, and the others molder in their graves to this very day, but Jesus, by His own power, walked away from the tomb three days after dying on a cruel cross. Anyone with power over death deserves our attention. Anyone with power over death deserves to be heard. The evidence supporting the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming. Jesus proved His power over death; therefore, we need to hear what He says. Jesus claims to be the ONLY way to salvation (John 14:6). He is not a way; He is not one of many ways, but Jesus is the way. Religion is fine, but we should be careful in choosing one, that religion should have the focus to the head of the church, Jesus Christ and not to anybody else. Jesus said in Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. And in the book of Proverbs warned us: "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." (Proverbs 14:12). True religion is receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and thereby having a right relationship with God – and then doing things (rules and rituals) out of love for God and desire to grow closer to Him. ..

Those who would like to talk more about religions; I would like to invite you to this website to discuss all your religious matters. Thank you this will be my last post to this long but relevant discussion....

Thank you and I'm so glad for taking your time answering those 5 questions......We know our heart and God also know it more than anybody else, and we are going to be judge based on our faith and to whom we placed in. God bless!

(1) ORIGIN: Where did we come from? As i know we came from God, -Spirit (2) IDENTITY: Who are we? we are all Spirits and born with Material Body on earth where we made mistakes and sins... (3) MEANING: Why are we here? We're here to make our souls to purity then back to heaven (4) MORALITY: How should we live? Believe God that He send every one of us here on earth with His Purpose. 5) DESTINY: Where are we going? we're going back to GOD.


From: Arsenia

I should say that religion and evolution goes hand in hand. We can also include scientific factors such as the Darwinian Theory of Evolution and then we can go from there. Mang Vic, I agree that most people now adays have no religion of choice ( non-denominational), meaning they can attend any religion of their choice. I was invited frequently by a religious sect in Houston. I was even one of the speakers.

All I can say is that we as a human being tend to cling to our Faith.. "Be faithful and truthful with each other". If you are truthful to yourself, you are truthful to your God."
This world is really complicated. I attended a Bible Study one time and never went back because they mentioned that the only people who can go to heaven are those that belong to that religion. I argue that all human beings that God created won't be disccriminated by the Lord no matter what religion sect they belong. Skin color and language does not matter..

Understanding other religion and their cultures will be the best thing anyone can do. We are all sons and daughters of the Lord. "For God so Loved the world that he gaved his only begotten son,those who believeth in him should not perished but have everlasting life". verse: John 16.

I noticed that from time to time, we discuss RELIGION on this board. I know that it is a very sensitive topic especially at work. But as a creature of the Lord,I might contribute something to add to your postings...
Mr. Ingrsoll's last public address, delivered before the Americans Free Religious Association, Boston, June 2, 1899. says in part "It is asserted that an infinite God created all things, governs all things, and that the creature should be obedient and thankful for the creator; that the creator demands certain things, and that the person who complies with these demands is religious. This kind of religion has been substantially universal" Source: What is Religion?

From: ayu

Of course religion cannot save you but your faith and and your belief will save you.

From: Zeus

Rain, True! Religion won't save us, everybody knows that, but it really help to keep our faith of Christianity alive forever. Without religions what would happen to our faith with God? Religion is a big advertisement for God telling every second, every minute that He LIVES! . Without religion the popularity of God will BE wiped out. That's why

belief comes with religion. I go to a catholic church to pray and if I have some change (coins) I pour into the basket, to help religion saying to worshippers that there is a GOD!



Armando celebrates the gift of life , im so proud of you and your kids to the tune of "I WANNA GROW OLD WITH YOU".IT's my brother's bday also on the 18th that's why his name is Noel.


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