Friday, December 26, 2008
more seascapes from Pangasinan
PANGASINAN is noted for its beaches which dot its coastline facing the Pacific Ocean. Some are more developed than others. Most of them do not have lifeguards so swimmers usually jump in at their own risk.
But if swimming is not your cup of tea, i.e. if you just go there for a seafood picnic or just to enjoy the sun, wind and the sea , then you are in for a treat.
May 1 is usually celebrated as Pistay Dayat ( meaning Feast of the Sea )..In Lingayen ( the provincial capital ) the sea is packed on this day with tourists from far towns beyond Pangasinan. Tourists, including some local movie stars from as far as Manila would gather here for this unique fluvial festival.
The highlight of the day long festival would be the selection of the Muse who will be paraded in a gorgeous water procession.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Recent Snowfall in Toronto
The evergreen at the right side of the door became a giant ice cream cone!
The Queen of May ( springtime ) turned into a Diary Queen!
Monday, December 22, 2008
My son Oliver and his family
My eldest child, Oliver with his family: His wife Teresa and their two daughters: Olivia and Audrey..
Olivia his eldest daughter..She is just a bit younger than Mia..
Oliver stayed in Toronto for a while where he studied film animation while working in a government office. After he finished animation, he applied for a position in Miramichi, New Brunswick. Fortunately, he made it and he is now involved in the production of commercials for American and UK Television...
CHRISTMAS is for Grandchildren
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Two titles which I am recommending for your viewing pleasure this Christmas season ( when you are having a respite from serious mall shopping ) are QUO VADIS and BEN HUR.
Their story lines may not be the same but both movies were honored by critics and movie goers alike during their roadshow presentations. Clergymen from various denominations also praised both movies for portraying Jesus and His teachings in a very dignified manner.
QUO VADIS was said to have been uttered by St. Peter when he saw the image of Jesus Christ during the early, difficult days of Christianity. It means "Where are you going?"
And Jesus answered: " I am going to Rome to be crucified for the second time.." Peter planned to leave Rome because of the ongoing persecutions against the Christians.
Peter, seemed to have failed Jesus for the second time. The first time happened when he denied Christ three times while charges were being arraigned against Him by the Jewish priests.
After hearing what Jesus told him, Peter wept and he went back to Rome to face his martyrdom which is being crucified to a cross upside down.
This scene is one of the several highlights of this 1951 epic. One would also witness a realistic portrayal of the burning of Rome ordered by the vile anti Christ, Emperor Nero. He wanted to build a new Rome by setting fire to the old one. And while the city burned, he was composing a song while playing a musical instrument.
Other scenes included the torture of Christians who were blamed for the conflagration. Then one would see the early martyrs meeting death in the arena by being burned alive or being fed to hungry lions. This spectacular movie has also an intelligent script, lively dialogue, gorgeous costumes and eye popping sets. And a cast of thousands. Live people, not just computer generated images.
Robert Taylor played the Legion commander who found Christianity through the love of a beautiful Christian girl played ably by Deborah Kerr. Other stars include Peter Ustinov who appeared in so many epic movies ( e.g. SPARTACUS, THE EGYPTIAN, etc ). His portrayal of Nero, history's noted Anti Christ, no match in fim history.
Jesus was shown in a few scenes, but his teachings of love permeated the length and breadth of this long movie.
BEN HUR took place almost in the same era, the same locale which is decadent Rome. This time, Charlton Heston played a Jewish prince who lived in Judea. STEPHEN BOYD played Mesala who was once his childhood friend, but who became his prime antagonist. Mesala grew up in Rome to become an arrogant commander ( just like Robert Taylor's character in QUO VADIS. )Due to political differences Mesala locked horns with Ben Hur during the first 15 minutes of the movie.Thus, Ben Hur was condemned to a Roman ship galley, his mother and sister sent to prison and his property confiscated.
Then Ben Bur's fortunes turned about when as a slave in the ship he saved the life of a Roman General who has just lost a son. The Roman navy at that time were fighting the Phoenician pirates who harassed the Roman trading ships.
Ergo, the general adopted Ben Hur as an heir to his name and property. Then Ben Hur went back to Judea to face again his nemesis, Mesala and to look for his mother and sister. His personal issue with Mesala was resolved in that famous chariot race.
Jesus appeared in BEN HUR as an infant, then as a carpenter and at the end, as the Crucified Redeemer of all humanity.
Both movies are based on literary masterpieces. No expense was spared to achieve the visual feast ( sets and costunmes ). Brilliant directors - William Wyler for BEN HUR and MERVYN LEROY for QUO VADIS these timeless film masterpieces.
Christianity and the love of Jesus for humanity is the all encompassing theme for both movies.
Only a few religious movies can be educational entertaining at the same time spiritually uplifting--#
Thursday, December 18, 2008
From: Rudy
From: VIC..
Kudos to Bert's postings, he nails every each quotation on the head with relation to the topic on what..Yes, Icarus I have already compiled the postings from the AMB into a Word document ready to be transfered into the AJ, maybe by parts: pt. 1, 2, 3, etc. It seems as if more good postings are on the way...Because in the AMB the bottom postings get booted out as soon as new ones come in. In the AJ ( where the mainframe is stored somewhere else, then it stays there forever, ready to be accessed with the click of a mouse )..This Board could discuss two or three threads at the same time, we can introduce a new one anytime, and let us see how things go..Pakiramdaman lang yan..But everyone has an expertise on certain subjects..We can share our knowledge with other readers of this Board and it will fulfill the good intentions of Information Technology..By the way, Bert, Rain mentioned she was very much impressed by the goodness of your family.."Whatever you do to the least of your brethen.."..At that time, she was about to undergo her ordeal of fire..Two months later, God pulled her out of her crucible and brought her back to where she belongs. Some lives really show God in action, especially to those who pray hard and rely on God on their darkest moments..Many kind hearted Asinganians, ( and a few non-Asinganians ) helped her out..I know I seem to be repeating the same story over and over and she wants to keep her privacy too, but this will be the last time I will mention that episode in her life.
From: Bugsy
"Was he right and I am wrong?" Many of course resists to accept that they are wrong, no one wants to be proved wrong, It HURTS!, but given all the facts and evidences one must respond with self examination and weigh the circumstances once more. These traits are possesed by a man who is open minded, without any tunnel vision. ...
To be HUMBLE in life is hard to do as man always strive to become great and rich and healthy. above others. That makes us HAPPY isn't it? When we excel above the rest? You drive a spanking shiny Merc while your nieghbour drive a battered VW? We do not want to be outdone so we try to keep up with the Jones's most times even we cannot afford? So too, When we are presented with predicaments in life, we ask questions "WHY ME/US?" As if not good for me but its acceptable if it happens to John. I must accept I am not the most luckiest man on earth but I learned to live with it. To partake and share my emotions and experiences so others might be more prepared to met such testing moments when it happens the same to them. Doing such, I believe the least service I can do to my fellow men. >>>>>>
From: icarus
From: Bert
..Don't all roads lead to Heaven? Aren't all religions basically the same? The truth is all religions do not lead to Heaven just as all roads do not lead to Philippines. There are a lot of voices vying for our attention, so why should anyone consider Jesus above, for example, Muhammad, Confucius, Buddha, etc. Jesus alone speaks with the authority of God because Jesus alone conquered death. Muhammad, Confucius, and the others molder in their graves to this very day, but Jesus, by His own power, walked away from the tomb three days after dying on a cruel cross. Anyone with power over death deserves our attention. Anyone with power over death deserves to be heard. The evidence supporting the resurrection of Jesus is overwhelming. Jesus proved His power over death; therefore, we need to hear what He says. Jesus claims to be the ONLY way to salvation (John 14:6). He is not a way; He is not one of many ways, but Jesus is the way. Religion is fine, but we should be careful in choosing one, that religion should have the focus to the head of the church, Jesus Christ and not to anybody else. Jesus said in Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. And in the book of Proverbs warned us: "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." (Proverbs 14:12). True religion is receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and thereby having a right relationship with God – and then doing things (rules and rituals) out of love for God and desire to grow closer to Him. ..
Those who would like to talk more about religions; I would like to invite you to this website to discuss all your religious matters. Thank you this will be my last post to this long but relevant discussion....
Thank you and I'm so glad for taking your time answering those 5 questions......We know our heart and God also know it more than anybody else, and we are going to be judge based on our faith and to whom we placed in. God bless!
(1) ORIGIN: Where did we come from? As i know we came from God, -Spirit (2) IDENTITY: Who are we? we are all Spirits and born with Material Body on earth where we made mistakes and sins... (3) MEANING: Why are we here? We're here to make our souls to purity then back to heaven (4) MORALITY: How should we live? Believe God that He send every one of us here on earth with His Purpose. 5) DESTINY: Where are we going? we're going back to GOD.
From: Arsenia
All I can say is that we as a human being tend to cling to our Faith.. "Be faithful and truthful with each other". If you are truthful to yourself, you are truthful to your God."
This world is really complicated. I attended a Bible Study one time and never went back because they mentioned that the only people who can go to heaven are those that belong to that religion. I argue that all human beings that God created won't be disccriminated by the Lord no matter what religion sect they belong. Skin color and language does not matter..
Understanding other religion and their cultures will be the best thing anyone can do. We are all sons and daughters of the Lord. "For God so Loved the world that he gaved his only begotten son,those who believeth in him should not perished but have everlasting life". verse: John 16.
I noticed that from time to time, we discuss RELIGION on this board. I know that it is a very sensitive topic especially at work. But as a creature of the Lord,I might contribute something to add to your postings...
Mr. Ingrsoll's last public address, delivered before the Americans Free Religious Association, Boston, June 2, 1899. says in part "It is asserted that an infinite God created all things, governs all things, and that the creature should be obedient and thankful for the creator; that the creator demands certain things, and that the person who complies with these demands is religious. This kind of religion has been substantially universal" Source: What is Religion?
From: ayu
Of course religion cannot save you but your faith and and your belief will save you.
From: Zeus
Armando celebrates the gift of life , im so proud of you and your kids to the tune of "I WANNA GROW OLD WITH YOU".IT's my brother's bday also on the 18th that's why his name is Noel.
Monday, December 15, 2008
christmas is for children
The photos are mostly my grandchildren, and my sister in law's grandchildren who are in Manila. A BIG THANKS to them for the use of these photos.
MALIGAYANG PASKO SA LAHAT! ( a Merry Christmas to all! )
Thursday, December 11, 2008
This movie was first mentioned to me by my a childhood friend, Rudy Dumapias ( now a retired Philippine Consul living in Texas, USA. ) about 3 decades before the actual year 2001. He, like me is a Certified Movie Buff. We could talk about movies for hours even without food and water.
It will be 2009 soon. So far no event portrayed in the movie happened yet. There was no mission to Jupiter. There was no discovery of that strange slab in one of the moon craters.. There is no HAL, the computer turned psycho.
But the movie, still remains as one of my sci-fi favorites blowing all the 6 STAR WARS movies into the strastophere. Come to think about it STAR WARS is not sci-fi, it is more of an entertainment, a good one at that one.
But I read that when it was premiered in New York, most of the viewers hated 2001. What kind of movie is this? many commented. No action. No green space monsters wanting to take over the world. No big bang explosion at the climax blowing all the bad guys into atoms.
My friend Rudy was all praises about 2001. It was only after a few times of viewing that I found the movie is something after all. One of the movies you will not grow tired of watching.
I first saw it in Dagupan City, Philippines in a movie house called VINA theatrer. I did not understand it at that time.In fact I might have taken a nap somewhere during the 148 minute-run.
When I arrived in Toronto, I found the city a Paradise for movie buffs. There are used book stores all over the place especially along Yonge street. During my first weeks, I went through every book store and bought several volumes of magazines, anthologies especially about the classic films of the 50's and '60s. Then I found a book on Stanley Kubricks and his monumental 2001 Space Odyssey.
Though the instrument panels in the movie's space ships are outdated, the movie still followed some concepts of science. First, there is absolute SILENCE in outer space because of the absence of air. Sound is created only by air waves. Thus, when there is a space ship moving in space, there are no rumbling sounds. Just silence, or the Blue Danube Waltz making space travel less boring.
Another slightly funny part of the movie is when one of the characters was reading the instructions on how to use the zero-gravity toilet .Would be pretty messy when you sitting on the John and the gravity controller would malfunction, right? .
A few days back I had the chance to watch the movie for the nth time and this time in Blu-Ray. It is a celestial experience. The images looked as if you are watching a film master, not a video. Blu Ray technology on the 1080, 52 " would make your eye-balls pop out. Just kidding, of course. But if you are a movie buff like me, it is worth each dollar of whatever you invest in your home entertainment.
So, I resolved not to watch movies anymore, at least for a while in these huge theatres.
I would save money, the hassle of traveling back and forth from the cinema house, and of course the possibilty of contracting some virus just in case you happen to sit beside a guy who has just come out of the hospital.---#
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
a musical card from Rain
Oh Christmas Tree, Dear Christmas Tree
Remember me through out the year
I hope that by this time next Yule,
All of my kids will soon be here..
I thank our God for help received
I got good jobs which came at last
I go through them, like fish in stream
My hard years all had come to pass!
To all my dear friends on this board
As Christmas comes so slowly
I offer you my grateful prayers,
With you it's Chrstmas, everyday!
Rain--Christmas 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Peering through the pane
The real ones are here all over
It's Christmas time again!
The angels come in kinds and sizes
But each one glows with sheen
For angels are replendent creatures
Though they could not be seen
But they were there when Christ was born
As He lay on the hay,
"Go now and see the pretty baby
Who was born on this day!"
The shepherds then began to walk
While following a star
And with them marched the regal train
Of three who came from afar
When things are dark within our lives
Oh please do not despair
The night will pass and in its place,
A Day so bright, so rare!
--victorio costes ( 12/006)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
One of the places we visited when we went to Hawaii was the PCC or Polynesian Cultural Center.
It is a 42 acre size theme park located at the North shore of Oahu. ( Oahu, I believe is the most Westernized Island of Hawaii, something like a mixture of Makati in the Philippines and Los Angles in USA.)A night show depicted by the photos at the end of this article shows a spectacular array of songs, dances, skits, etc. performed by players in lavish and breath taking costumes.
It is performed in a huge open air auditorium. It is something worth seeing if you are planning to visit Hawaii someday.
Or maybe after the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season.---#
Friday, December 5, 2008
I was one of those "bumabaili*", in our town,Asingan. I like "baili**" starting it when I was 15 and I ending up my itchy wichy in my early 20's. It was fun, a lot of fun!
How about you? Every first week of December I started hearing in the barrios those noisy loud DJ speakers miles away. Either it was Estrada Sound System or Orpia Sound System..., They were great sound systems in Asingan at that time. They have a good selection of new songs too.. Remember those SP45 and LP33 records?He!he! Noisemakers, weren't they?
What amused me in these Christmas dances: before the guys started picking their dance partners, they roamed around like hunters stalking their prey.. "Who would be a good prey tonight?". Naturally, the "targets" would be the pretty and "meaty" ones. He!he! It is so shameful for those ladies left behind just making holes on their seats (wallflowers). The men lined like thirsty and hungry wolves eyeing the sheeps (the pretty ladies)...
I like Estrada's sound system better than anyone else especially if the the DJs are the young brothers(Roger, Jimmy and Ap-ping). They were good operators and the music they played were so cool.. But when the younger brothers weren't there, either the father(Lakay Marcelo) or the 3 elder brothers worked as a DJ's, they spin Sinatra, Nat king Cole, Johnny Mathis songs, or cha chas,tangos, swings, etc.( those old songs from the 50's and 60's). We hated those songs!!..
Christmas ball is supposed to be for youngsters and teenagers, you know! We wanted new songs, new music like modern and discos!.Even the ladies step back and sometimes don't want to dance anymore.
So when December comes around, my friends and I were busy...Hey, I was the John Travolta of Asingan at that time, you know.. 70's was the era of discos, salsa and el bimbo whatever you wanna call them! I had lots of fun of dancing.!!Sometimes I visited different barrios in just one night!.. Wow! The John Travolta of Asingan was always busy and popular...Having no transportation, I did not go alone ..One of my friends owned a tricycle and he liked baili too. So, there you go. Those moments still linger in my mind, and I miss them so much!.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
----Arsenio Macanas
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
vignettes of CHRISTMAS...
some photos by Marcie Uson-Wise