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Saturday, November 8, 2008

playing with Mary and her Lamb

Studying music theory by itself could be dry and boring..But try applying it with some dusty almost forgotten music instrument in your house, then you will find Music Theory could after all, be palatable..

I re-discovered this Yamaha keyboard which I bought about 15 years ago. I used it for some Christmas and Wedding gigs then I stopped because the stress level was getting high while the pay check was getting low. So I kept this instrument away until I rediscovered it hiding in some dingy part of my basement, still in its black soft case.

I was running out things to do as I retired because I wanted to do something creative while I still have my senses working..

The good thing about this instrument is, it comes with a "virtual " band. It has 100 instrument sounds ( called VOICES ) another 100 kinds of accompaniments ( CALLED STYLES ).. So for playing around while waiting for the Mrs. to arrive home it is nice making some music because canned music after a while could turn into drag. Yes, this is what they called before a ONE MAN BAND. And you do not even have to pay your band members or feed them or give them beer after rehearsals..

So if you can play with the right hand the melody line, in this case MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB , then the left hand can play some basic chords like CMajor or G7 or FMajor you could play something with the instrument. ..With these 3 chords in your memory pocket, you can play many, many songs particularly in some birthday parties for kids from 1 to 9 years old..Do not go higher than that! Because the songs you can make with 3 left hand chords are limited to Mother Goose rhymes or lullabyes..

Anyways, you can manage to play a few of them once you have a basic grasp of music reading, a ggod timing, and some head phones so you would not bug the other occupants of your house by your constant and heart felt practice..

Good luck!

More lessons next time!


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